In early 2023, a series of press releases claimed Adidas had launched a new fashion line at Berlin Fashion Week and that a Cambodian whistleblower, who was a former employee, had been appointed as co-CEO to oversee ethical compliance. However, all of this was entirely untrue. In fact, the activist group behind this false information, The Yes Men, is known for drawing attention to social and ethical issues in large corporations.
Adidas responded swiftly, denying the claims and clarifying that the press releases were fake. But the damage had already been done. Alongside dealing with the hoax, Adidas found itself navigating existing allegations regarding unfair wages and poor working conditions. The company had no choice but to defend itself, keeping its name in the headlines.
This incident highlights the importance of having a strong, well-prepared crisis communications plan in place. Jenny Gardynski, Director of Communications at G2, shared her insights on what companies can do to prepare for such crises, and how to recover effectively.