Legal Action: Companies that do not address their accessibility requirements are open to lawsuits from users or advocacy groups. Litigation can be time-consuming, damaging to the brand and costly, with hefty fines or settlements falling into the thousands or even millions.
Negative Brand Perception: Disregarding accessibility—especially if diversity and inclusion is a cornerstone of your publicly-promoted Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitments—can lead to consumer distrust, reflecting poorly on your corporate brand.
Missed Financial Opportunities: 16% of the global population identifies as having a disability, often one that is unseen. Limiting access to your investor content can discourage impacted audiences, directly affecting your financial opportunity.
Decreased Searchability: Some accessibility best practices contribute to the health of your website’s Seach Engine Optimization (SEO). Neglecting this can cause your site to rank lower on Google and prevent interested parties from finding your business online.
Weakened Corporate Story: A healthy, inclusive IR strategy requires a robust catalogue of content for a broad spectrum of comprehension levels. Every piece—from the simplest document to complex reports and events—contributes to your corporate story.